The industrial revolution inspired a progression for printmakers and lumberjacks alike. Wooden letterforms were carved out of type-height blocks using a router that translates by hand over a master copy. This left type designers at the mercy of a reproduction technique. Using a a 1/4” straight bit and modern-day CNC router I explored the evolution of this production limitation in printmaking and type design.
Wolf Weingart Lecture Poster
This design lecture poster was created using photo-collage featuring the site of the lecture. Before coming to a solution for the poster I researched this famous graphic designer’s life, creative experiments, and approach to form-making. My research into Wolfgang Weingart allowed me to explore a corresponding techniques for image making of which I included a number of clues into his life and work that would be spoken about in the lecture. I was fascinated with his 8 year engagement with the letter ‘m’ and his personal logo abstracting his mother, his father, himself, and his dog. These and other allusions ultimately manifested into a montage of what was to expect during the lecture.
Scanning Experiment - Line and Pattern
This image is from a series of experimental scans; this result was derived from a photocopied photograph, rolled into a paper cone which rocked back and forth under its own weight, as the image sensor traversed the scanner bed.